Retail News
Changes to St. Clare’s Retail Management Arrangements
Following a review of St. Clare’s Hospice Trading
Ltd at the end of 2014, the Board of Trustees have
decided to implement new retail management
arrangements in 2015. At their meeting inNovember
2014, the Trustees voted in favour of a phased
implementation of a new management structure as
we move towards streamlining our charity shops
with the aim of creating bigger but fewer shops.
Initially this will mean the recruitment of a Retail
Manager, a part-time Shop Manager and a part-
time Ecommerce/Back Office Administrator. The
Board of Trustees will then, in due course, review the
impact of these posts before deciding on the next
steps in the implementation of the new structure.
As our retail strategy continues to be implemented so do the changes and improvements to our charity shops. Our
retail news provides you with an insight into what has been happening in the past six months and what to expect in
the near future.
Closure of our
Low Fell Shop
It is with regret that St. Clare’s Hospice
has decided to close our’ charity shop in
Low Fell, Gateshead when our current
lease expires on 31st May 2015.
The principal reasons for this decision
are to a due a rent review with
our landlord, coupled with the the
diminishing financial returns from trading
in this shop and increasing difficulty in
recruiting and retaining volunteers to
help run the shop.
The closure of this store is part of our
longer term plans to overhaul St. Clare’s
Retail Business.
We would like to thank our volunteers
and customers for their support over
Stock Urgently Needed
Our shops are in urgent need of
goods to sell. If you have any good
quality clothing, shoes, toys or
furniture that you no longer need,
please get in touch.
In the Spotlight
This time round we will be
taking a closer look at our
Fowler Street shop.
Our Fowler Street shop
has been open since 2009,
we currently have seven
volunteers who help to run
the shop but recently we
have struggled to have a
regular flow of volunteers to
work in this shop.
We have a regular intake of volunteers on work experience from the
Job Centre and schools which helps with the current situation.
The Fowler Street store has had a difficult year as we had to close the
store back in April 2014 for a number of weeks. The store suffered
a flood in the lower floor which damaged all the stock and stock
room area, there were a lot of repairs required before volunteers and
customers were able to return.
Major roof and electrical repairs were carried out. When we re-opened
the store we had a great first week and many of our regular customers
said that we had been missed. Thank you for all of the donations that
we received which enabled the shop to re-open.
We are hoping for a good year from this store for 2015 with an increase
of furniture space and a range of new goods. This is a gift aid store, so
please gift aid your donation when giving your unwanted items.
For a list of our shops, their telephone numbers and opening times, please visit our website
Kate Lowdon